This manual demonstrates with examples, how to start begin using Tuntinetti and how it's basic functions work.
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Table of Contents | ||||
Basic information wizard
When you log in to the system for the first time, Tuntinetti will show you a wizard that helps you get started quickly. The wizard will guide you with adding the first information to the system. If you need to stop the wizard, you are always able to return to it later. All the information will be saved instantly, but at any time you can go back and change things. You can also jump between all the different parts of the wizard. You can always click the Help -button, when you want in depth instructions for a particular screen.
In the Basic information wizard you can add your company's basic information such as the company name and contact information. In addition you can set some salary calculation settings and add the company logo. The logo will be visible in the top-left corner of Tuntinetti.
Unit Wizard
In unit wizard you can determine your company's structure. In Tuntinetti the company consists of units, which can represent for example your company's headquarters and their departments. Units may be structured in the hierarchy that makes sense from your company's point of view.
Organizing units
Tree diagram displays possible examples for the company's structure.
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Creating a new unit
Lets create a new unit. The Create new unit -button starts the process.
First write the unit's name and choose whether you want to enter the hours directly into that unit or not.
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Move forward by clicking the Next -button.
Now you can place the new unit to your company's structure.
Tuntinetti has automatically created one basic unit to the structure's base level. The unit's name is the company's name. Other units can be created under this unit or next to it on the base level.
You can create the unit hierarchy by clicking the radio button next to the existing unit under which the new unit should be placed.
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Lets move forward by clicking the Next -button.
The new unit is now created and will be visible in the unit list.
Modifying and removing units
At this page you are also able to modify the structure of your company by dragging units under each other or to the base level.
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Employee wizard
The employees you add with the employee wizard are also automatically created as Tuntinetti users.
Tuntinetti has already created an employee which has been named based on the registration information.
Add a new employee
You can create new employees with the Add new employee -button. First you need to enter the basic information of the employee:
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At this page the employees will be placed to units. Note that the this is done mostly for structure and that employees don't always have to work at their own unit's projects. Here you may also set the User privileges for the employees.
The employee may have the privileges of a normal user, unit manager or administrator. Normal user is able to control his own time reports, vacation plans and personal settings. Unit manager can usually control those same things on the whole unit level possibly including it's sub units. Administrator is able to control all the information in Tuntinetti. You can select normal user or administration privileges for the user from the User privileges -pull down menu. Unit manager privileges can be set by first choosing normal user privileges and then clicking Add privileges to another unit -button. Unit manager privileges can be set to multiple units for the same person and they may later be modified in detail. Choose the user privileges and move forward by clicking Next -button.
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On this page you can define the employee's contracts: the start date, labour agreement, work time mode and salary.
- You may either enter the start date manually or use the calendar menu.
- Choose the labour agreement. There are lots of choices but if the suitable one is missing, you can choose (Jos muu niin kerro mikä, voimme lisätä toivomuksesta), this means "If something else, tell us what", and enter the name of the labour agreement that you need. Our customer support will add it to Tuntinetti and send you email when it's available.
- The work time mode fields will be pre-filled based on the selected labour agreement. They can be modified as needed.
- Next you can enter the salary information. If you don't find it necessary to use the Tuntinetti's payroll functions, it's sufficient to fill the Salary mode -field (bill / hourly salary / monthly salary).
- From the gear -icon you can set additional information as needed, such as employee benefits.
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Move forward by clicking the Next -button.
This page has a summary of created employees.
Project wizard
In the project wizard you can add projects to the company's units and define work tasks, organization costs and customers connected to the projects. It's also possible to add employees to the projects.
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Creating a new project
Lets create one example project by clicking Add another project -button.
First you need to enter the basic information of the project:
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Lets move forward by clicking the Next -button.
At this page you will choose the unit for the project.
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Lets move on by clicking the Next: Customer wizard > -button.
Customer wizard
At this page you are able to place customers to the project. This should be done if the work related to the project will be billed from the customers, and the time reports on the work has to be itemized based on the customer the work was done for. You only need to create a specific customer once, after which you can associate the customer to other projects as needed.
Choose if you want to place all the customers of the unit's project to the project, the unit's sub unit's customers as well or the customers of the whole company's projects. With the first choice it is possible to place customers one by one. Lets create an example customer.
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Enter the name and business ID of the customer.
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Click the Next -button to continue.
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Move forward by clicking the Next -button.
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Lets move forward by clicking the Next: Summary > -button.
Task wizard
At this point the wizard will offer you a possibility to place tasks to projects. This should be done if you need to itemize the tasks in billing or if you want to track the amount of work done on different tasks.
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In this window you will need to write the basic information of the task:
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Move forward by clicking the Next -button.
In this window you are able to place the new task to a project.
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Lets move forward by clicking the Next: Summary > -button.
Organization cost wizard
Here the wizard will offer a possibility to place organization costs to projects. Organization costs are running costs like equipment costs or mileage coverage. The organization costs that are placed to projects may be entered in time reporting and they will be taken into account in various calculations like payroll.
Choose yes and move on.
Place organization costs to projects
At this page you need to write the basic information of the cost:
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Employees to project -wizard
From the list on this page you can choose employees to a project. The list is structured based on the units.
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Lets get back to the summary of the employees by clicking the Next: Summary > -button.
Many things are connected to a project, but it can be viewed as a whole at the summary -page.
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The structure of Tuntinetti user interface
Tuntinetti is organised by themes as sections under tabs.
The program has many features, so the tabs are further divided to sub tabs.
At the employees tab you are able to handle user's settings. There you may create new users and modify or remove existing ones.
The grey area has a search fields, where you can select the employee whose information is shown below in the white area.
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When the user has a name saved you are able to add skills to him. The skills may represent the user's ability in different jobs or more general skills, such as language proficiency. By adding skills you can make it easier to place the employees to suitable tasks.
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Lets create a new skill group.
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Create a new skill under the new skill group.
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The skill can be applied to an employee by checking the check box next to the skill.
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The notes contain notes about the user. They can be for example notices or repeating reminders about the user. The notices are visible and the reminders will be sent to the persons that are marked in the email field (typically the supervisors).
Lets place the employee to a project.
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Below the selection boxes new rows appears for each of the employee's new projects. Fill in the needed information.
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By clicking the Create a new tax card -button a form will open to add information about the employees tax card. Remember click save after entering required info.
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Finally lets send an invitation to the user. You are can send the invitation by clicking the mail icon next to the Email address field.
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Lets check how to accept a job application and how to add a job seeker as an employee.
The database already has one application and the person has been interviewed. Lets search that application, so we are able to accept that person as an employee. (There is no need to change the search options in this case).
Lets change the application status to "Recruited".
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Work shifts in the Work shift planning view
Creating an anonymous shift
Creating work shift in Tuntinetti is easy in the work shift planner (Work shifts > Work shift planner). Shifts can be created even when we don't yet know the employee doing them.
The created shift will be visible in the planning view.
Creating a recurring shift
A shift can be set as recurring in the shift's recurrence settings.
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In the cycle setting window you are able to edit the details of the recurring cycles.
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The work shift is visible on the days that it is set to be on.
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More information about recurring shifts and another way of creating them can be found in the Recurring work shifts-guide.
In Tuntinetti work time is entered by projects. Before reporting work time, you must first create the needed projects and assign employees to them.
Creating a new project
In the following section we'll create a new project and look at the available project settings. We'll also show how you can add customers, employees and tasks to a project.
You can create new projects in the Projects tab.
- Quick search (Search for already existing projects by entering their name)
- Filter (This affects the visibility of projects. The link next to the menu allows you to filter projects by date)
- Filter by unit (Select the unit of the project you're searching for. When creating a new project, select the unit you want the project to be part of)
- Select project for working hours control (After selecting a project, it's information appear on the page for you to examine)
To create a new project, select a unit that it is joined to. Every project must be joined to a unit. This is not necessary if the company is not divided into units.
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Basic information of a new project
Creating a new project brings up a notification indicating that a new project has been created. After this you can fill in the basic information:
Save the new project by clicking "Save changes" button. After doing this the program might give you a notification indicating that there are no employees attached to the project.
Adding an employee to a project
Next we'll go through the employee settings and how to add employees to a project.
This can be done under the "Project employees" title where you'll also find all the employees that are already attached to the project. If there are no employees added to the project, the field is empty.
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Employee information
You can get more information about some of these by moving the mouse over the titles.
The settings that appear after pressing the overtime assignment link are explained in the Overtime assignments-guide.
Adding a customer to a project
Adding an existing customer to a project
Next we'll go through customer setting and how to add customers to a project. Adding customers to a project enables you to differentiate work hours on billing reports and use the information for billing the customers.
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You can also choose how employees are added to the project.
If the project has only one customer, you can select the customer in the "Project's customer"-field.
You can view all of the project's customers by clicking "Customers" in the "Projects organization and billable clients"-section.
To add more customers to a project, you can select them from the customer-drop-downlist below the project's old customers. Customers can be filtered with keywords or using the filtering settings.
After adding the customers, they should be visible in the project's customer-list.
Adding a new customer to a project
You can also create a new customer. For this the "Customers"-section should be opened.
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Customer ID
Info This field can't be empty. So if the customer doesn't have an ID, a hyphen can be entered instead. ( - ) - The customer's cost center ID can be entered in the "Additional ID"-field
- Official name of the customer
- A time stamp id can be entered in the "Additional id"-field
- By default the customer is in use. A customer can also be marked as inactive by unchecking the "In use"-check-box.
- The "Customer details"-button opens up a window, where you can enter detailed information about the customer.
With the "Pricing"-button you can modify the customer's pricing.
Info More information about pricing can be found in the Billing and pricing-guide. - Main offices can be modified if the check box next to the heading is checked.
Adding a task to a project
Let's add a task to a project. Defining tasks is helpful when reporting work time.
Tasks can be viewed by clicking the "Tasks"-button. If the project doesn't have any tasks yet, the button says "Add tasks for project".
The added tasks should be visible in the task list.
Adding a compensation item to a project
You can add compensation items in the "Add compensation items for project"-section. However it is recommended that you use the Project wizard to edit the compensation items. Project wizard can be found in the right side of the page, under the button "<<".
In order to modify compensations, open the Project wizard.
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- After opening the wizard, select the unit of the project and press the plus -icon next to it.
- Press "Select" -link next to the project you wish to add the compensations to.
- Project information is now visible below the unit list. Select "Organisation costs".
- Press "Manage organization cost".
- Now you can see all the compensations that are already created. You can add these to the project by crossing the square under "Organization costs" -title. Another option is to create new ones by pressing "Create a new organization costs".
Creating new organization costs
- Press "Create a new organization costs".
- Enter the information to the opening page. Name is a mandatory field. After doing this, press "Next".
- In the next page, fill in the pricing information. Short name is a mandatory field. It allows the program to identify the compensation based on it's short name, thus making it easier to enter the compensations.
- Press "Next" again. This saves the organization cost and you can now add it to the project like any other cost.
More information about organization costs can be found in the Compensation items-guide.
Adding a manager to a unit
Managers can be added to a unit in the "Units"-tab. First you must select a unit in the top part of the page.
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You can filter desired employees according to unit and then choose them in the right side selection box. You can select more than one employees with the CTRL-button and consecutive rows with the SHIFT-button. The selected employees can be named as managers by clicking the "Name users selected from list as unit managers"-button.
More information about units can be found in the Units-guide.
With the Client Relationship Management of Tuntinetti you can archive customized documents, customer data and detailed contact information of customers of your company. More about Tuntinetti's CRM can be found in the Customers-guide.
Adding a new customer
You can search customers in the Customers-tab. You can use the Search field in the top part of the page and select the desired customer in the "Search results"-drop-downlist. Another way to search customers is to use the search function leaflet. The leaflet can be accessed by moving your mouse on the arrow marks ( >> ) on the left side of the page. This opens up a window where it is possible to search customers by detailed information.
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Adding a new customer starts with clicking the "Create new"-button next to the keyword search. "Add new customer and detail" creates a new customer with a detail at the same time. If you know that you're going to add a detail to the new customer you're creating, that is a simple way to create both at the same time. Even if you click "Create new"-button, you may still add details to customers at any time.
The pricing setting can be modified by clicking the "Pricing"-button. More information about pricing can be found in the Billing and pricing-guide.
Adding a contact person to a customer
Adding a contact person to a customer in the Customers > Contact persons-tab.
You can add a contact person by clicking "Add a contact person". This opens up blank user contact information and customer information. The mandatory fields in user contact information are first name, last name and personal e-mail address.
When you have added the contact person's information you can add the customer info. Write the official name of the customer and choose it from the list that appears under the field. By choosing the customer its information is automatically updated to the page.
More information about Contact persons-tab's functions can be found in the Contact persons-guide.
Adding a detail to a customer
Adding a detail to a customer in the Customers > Details-tab.
To add a new detail you must click "Add" on the bottom of the page. This opens up a section where you are able to write down the information of the new detail. Details are customer-specific and it is possible to add alarms and topic related notes.
More information about Details-tab can be found in the Details-guide.
Salary calculation
With Tuntinetti you can handle the salary calculation easily and Tuntinetti can factor in the terms of collective labor agreements automatically. More information about salary calculation can be found in the Salary/Wages calculations-guide.
Browsing salary sheets
You can browse salary sheets in the Salary/Wages calculations-tab. Next we'll go through how you can select the parameters for a salary sheet.
First you must select a time period and desired employees. When these have been selected the "Select salary sheet" drop-down list will be updated to have the desired salary sheets. There you can choose a specific salary sheet.
You can filter employees by their salary mode, labour agreement, or payment date. "Create salary advice Payslip/Paystub for monthly salary employees with" -menu allows you to choose how the calculation is done for employees with monthly salary.
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Creating a new salary calculation
New salary calculation can be created in the Salary/Wages calculations-tab. The following explains only the creation of the calculation. There are other operations that need to be done before this, for example the work hours must be approved so that the hours can be included into the salary calculation. More information about the salary calculation steps can be found in the Salary/Wages calculations-guide.
A summary of the work hours can be viewed by hovering your mouse on the question mark icon (). By clicking the button you can view more detailed information about the work hours.
Payment data
Before you can download payment data, you must enter a payment id in the company's basic information. This can be done in the Basic settings > Company's basic information-tab in the "Payment ID"-section.
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Examining period reports
When salary information has been transferred to payroll in the Salary/Wages calculation-tab, they can be formed into period reports in the Period reports-tab. The period reports can be printed or transformed into files that are useful in account programs and in taxation.
First, select period or date range, from which the salary information is fetch.
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With the icons on the top-right part of the page the period report can be exported or printed.
Vacation calendar
Viewing the vacation calendar
Newt we'll go through the vacation calendar of Tuntinetti. The calendar can be found in the Time management-tab on its own tab called "Vacation calendar".
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Start by choosing the month which vacations you want to view.
More information about Vacation calendar can be found in the Vacation calendar-guide.
Sick leave management
The following demonstrates sick leave management in Tuntinetti. In sick leave management administrator or superior can add, view and modify sick leaves. This can be done in the Sick leave management-tab.
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Viewing and modifying sick leaves
Administrator or superior is able to view and modify every employee's sick leaves.
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By clicking the Enabled-box for a sick leave you can accept it to be payed.
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You can change the type of a sick leave and it is possible to delete a sick leave by clicking Remove.
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Remember to save all the changes.
You can filter sick leaves based on the type of the sick leave and whether they are enabled or not enabled.
More information about sick leave management can be found in the Sick leave management-guide
Work shift cycles
A Work shift cycle
Next we'll go through work shift cycles. Cycles that concern the whole company can be modified in the Company's basic information-tab.
A work shift cycle must have a Valid from-date and a Start date. The length of the cycle should be entered if it is not defined in the labour agreement.
The default length for the workshift cycle is set by labour agreement. Typically, the length on the labour agreement level is 1, 2 or 3 weeks. When you need to set workshift cycles that differ from those set in labour agreement, the length of the cycle is set in: the company's basic information for company level, the unit settings for unit level and in employee's contract settings for employee level. Settings are inherited from the unit's settings to unit's employees, either on the grounds that the employee is positioned to the unit in question or that the unit has been selected in the "Work time cycle group" in the additional settings of the employee's contract.
Work shift cycle's information
Let's go through how you can modify a cycle.
Enter the Valid from-date.
You can remove a cycle with the "Remove"-button.
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Time reports
Searching a time report for payroll
Selecting month or time frame
First select month or time frame you would like to see. Depending on preview mode, chosen month/start and end date will refresh automatically or you have to press "Show month" or "Show range".
Selecting units and employees
Choose first the unit(s) and then the employee(s) you want to be shown on the report.
Employee reports open automatically below selection menus, one worksheet per employee, if "Auto-refresh" Preview mode is selected. If "Refresh on-demand from show-button" is selected, remember to press "Show" after selecting the employees.
The report:
- A number in brackets is the week number.
- If employee contracts are up to date, Tuntinetti is able to check whether the employees have done overtime or not.
- If there has been overtime, and employee doesn't have overtime assignment, Tuntinetti will suggest to fill in the missing overtime assignments.
Info |
The length of the work time cycle can come from the labour agreement as such (can be e.g. a normal 1 week or e.g. 3 weeks, typical for the restaurant sector). The starting date for the work time cycle can be defined in the work time cycle settings. |
Creating an overtime assignment
Introduction of overtime assignments
In Tuntinetti, overtime isn't recorded separately, but the program analyzes them automatically when overtime assignment is in effect. In order for the program to itemize overtime hours, the employee must have at that time a valid overtime assignment and contract.
- Unit level is on the bottom.
- Project level is over unit-stage but under employee-stage. This might be the reason why a change to the unit-stage's overtime assignment hasn't affected the calculation.
- Employee level is on the top, and overrides the project- and unit levels.
Adding an overtime assignment on the unit level
Adding an overtime assignment on the unit level takes place in the Units-tab.
Make sure that you have selected the desired unit in the "Choose the unit you want to edit"-drop-downlist.
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From "Overtime additives and other additives compensated as free time" and "Overtime base hours compensated as free time" menus you can select which overtimes and extras will be compensated as free time.
A tooltip of each field can be viewed by hovering your mouse over the headings.
Adding an overtime assignment on the project level
Adding an overtime assignment on the project level takes place in the Projects-tab.
Make sure that you have selected the desired project in the "Select project for working hours control"-drop-downlist.
Overtime settings can be found in the "Work time settings"-section and clicking the "Additional options"-button.
You can select from "Work time compensations (overtime, extra) according to CBA" menu which overtimes and extras are going to be itemized in the time reports for payroll (Projects > Work time settings > Additional options).
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From "Overtime additives and other additives compensated as free time" and "Overtime base hours compensated as free time" menus you can select which overtimes and extras will be compensated as free time.
A tooltip of each field can be viewed by hovering your mouse over the headings.
You can select "The employee can select overtime", which allows employees to set overtime assignments for themselves.
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From "Other settings" menu, you can select the project work time decomposition setting to override possible employee work time decomposition settings.
Adding an overtime assignment on the employee level
Adding an overtime assignment on the employee level takes place in the Users > Employees-tab.
Make sure that you have selected the desired employee in the "Select user to edit"-drop-downlist.
Default overtime settings can be found in the "Default overtime settings"-section.
You can select from "Work time compensations (overtime, extra) according to CBA" menu which overtimes and extras are going to be itemized in the time reports for payroll (Users > Employees > Default overtime settings).
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From "Overtime additives and other additives compensated as free time" and "Overtime base hours compensated as free time" menus you can select which overtimes and extras will be compensated as free time.
A tooltip of each field can be viewed by hovering your mouse over the headings.
More information about overtime assignments can be found in the Overtime assignments-guide.
Setting up a pricing for a project
Price lists can be set in several different ways with the accuracy of customer, employee and project. This example uses project's price list. Open up "Projects" tab. Project's price list can be found in the "Basis for billing" section. Price list window opens with the "Pricing" link. Additional information about the price list can be shown by moving mouse pointer over the question mark icon ( ).
You will see the price lists set for the project in the pop-up window. If the project doesn't have a price list yet, "Price list is not set yet" text will be shown in the field. Listed price lists can be filtered with the "Show" options at the top. Tooltips for the filtering options can be displayed by hovering the mouse pointer over them.
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Info |
Price lists can be exported to a spreadsheet program, by pressing the ( ) icon at the upper right corner of the list. Please note that the listing will only show the price lists of the project's unit. |
More information about pricing can be found in the Billing and pricing-guide.
Pricing levels
The following explains, from where the different price lists can be found and what is the imperative order of them.
The imperative order of the price lists
- Employee's price in a project
- If a project has a customer and the pricing check box for it has been selected:
- Price of the task
- Price of the project
- Price of the project's unit
Locations of the Pricing links
1. Price of the project's employee
2. Customer charges the price list
2. a) Price of the task
2. b) Price list of the customer
Price list of the customer's headquarters
2. d) Price list of the customer's unit
3. Price of the task
4. Price of the project
5. Price of the project's unit
More information about pricing can be found in the Billing and pricing-guide.
Calibrating work hour balances
Usually when you begin using Tuntinetti, employees have flextime or other hours saved in the old system (For example annual leave or overtime leave). So that the hour balances match, they must be calibrated/copied to Tuntinetti. This means that they must be set for each employee separately.
Finding the time report which is calibrated
Let's go through how it is possible to alter the balances in the Time reports for payroll-tab.
And the desired employee from the according unit.
The time report will be updated below the selection windows. In the ending of the report are the balances.
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Editing the balances
By clicking the "Edit"-button you are able to edit the balances.
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More information about altering time reports can be found in the Time reports for payroll-guide.
Paid features of Tuntinetti
The paid features of Tuntinetti diversifies the usage of the program concerning time management, billing and work shift planning. If you have the manager rights, you can select which additional features are activated or removed.
You can activate a feature by checking the feature's check-box. If you want to deactivate one, just uncheck it.
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If your coins are about to run out, there will be a "Buy more coins"-button under the calculations.
You can also monitor the usage of features in the bottom of the page in the "Browse account logs"-section.
More information about Tuntinetti's paid features can be found in the Tuntinetti's paid features-guide
Training and remote training about using Tuntinetti
Learn to use Tuntinetti in a couple of days! Tuntinetti offers training for basic users and administrators. Contact Tuntinetti sales (+358-(0)9-6898 8221) and we'll tell you more.
By purchasing a training session, you ensure your own know-how. After training, time will not be wasted, work hours will be effective and you can set up your settings correctly.
Our instructor will come to your work place for one or more whole work days and makes sure that your administrators will learn to use all the features in Tuntinetti.
In addition to coming over, learning can be done also online. Tuntinetti offers remote training in the form of Webinars.
We arrange regularly Webinars concerning the topics that our clients wish for. Our Webinars are designed so that they can be attended by both basic users that rarely make changes and users that use Tuntinetti more regularly.
You can sign up for Tuntinetti Webinars here: Sign up for Tuntinetti Webinars.