Two-phase authentication

Two-phase authentication

Two-phase authentication helps you to protect key personels accounts. Employees with two-phase authentication will recieve sms message with additional code required to login.

Activate an additional feature

In order to enable two-phase authentication for employees, the additional feature Two-phase Authentication from the additional features of Tuntinetti must be activated.

This is done by checking the Two-phase Authentication box and saving the changes with the Save-button.

NOTE! Two-phase authentication prevents the use of Tuntinetti's mobile version.

Settings for the employee´s details

Employees for whom two-phase authentication will be used, must have a mobile phone number entered in the User contact Information:

and the setting Employee has two-phase authentication, which can be found on Change settings, has to be activated:

NOTE! Both Employees and My Settings tabs are set to check that this setting cannot be turned on if the employee does not have a phone number. Also the phone number field cannot be cleared if the setting is on.

Login to Hoursmart

When the settings are set, the user will log in to Tuntinetti as normal from the login page https://www.tuntinetti.fi/Login . Upon logging in, the employee receives a one-time password to the given phone number, which is entered in the SMS one-time password field and allows the user into the system: