On this page you will be introduced to some of Tuntinetti's basic functions. Each section includes links to video tutorials and instruction pages which you can use to look for more information about the topics.
What is Tuntinetti?
Tuntinetti is a work time management system that provides you with comprehensive tools to run your company. The brand was launched in 2002 by Tustor International Oy and it is run with 100% finnish ownership.
- Provides multiple tools in the same package.
- Follows the work time of your employees and uses it to calculate salaries and customer bills.
- One of the essental features include interpretation of collective bargaining agreements. This can be used alongside worktime management to form payrolls and customer bills automatically.
- The system also enables work shift planning, customer and HR management along with recruiting features.
- As a domestic product Tuntinetti also includes finnish instructions and customer service via phone or email.
Why should you use Tuntinetti?
- With Tuntinetti you can easily and reliably manage human resourcing processes with one software.
- Tuntinetti reduces the need for manual labour by handling muiltiple processes almost automatically. You don't have to spend hours concerning about work shift prints or salary calculation anymore.
- Tuntinetti can be equipped with desired modules: work force management, vacation management, vacation calculation, work shift planning, billing reports and pricing, work time tracking, recruiting, salary calculation, labour agreement interpretation and many useful reporting features.
- By saving time, you're also saving money. One company was able to save 96 000 euros annually after being able to leave out many unecessary programs.
- Fewer inconsistencies in reports and work shift plans.
- Employees can also keep track of their own work hours, payrolls, vacations and overtime hours.
- Many functions have been included in the same system. There's no more need for unecessary data transfer or switching in between programs.
- Reporting is easy, and you can export information out of the program as excel-tables or pdf-files.
- We maintain over 300 Finnish labour agreements in addition to the work time legislation and we will add a new valid labour agreement for free, if we do not have it yet.
- Tuntinetti's labour agreement interpretation has been published for the first time in 2009 and the functionality of the software has been expanded since then. We are committed to the continuous development of the system so that the usability of the software together with its features streamlines customers business processes. The development is based on customer feedback, regulatory requirements, and studies conducted with usability specialists. Furthermore, customers can order custom changes to the software by requesting a separate cost and schedule estimate for their particular need.
Read more about the perks of using Tuntinetti from the website.
Simple pricing
- Customer only pays for used features. If you have activated ten features, but only use two of them, you only have to pay for those two.
- Free and easy to deploy.
An accurate pricing can be found from Tuntinetti's website.
Work time management
Keeping track of work hours is easy with Tuntinetti. The system enables you to enter the work hours and expences along with sick leaves and task descriptions. Various options allow you to adjust the system for the needs of your company.
Time reporting - video tutorial
Time reporting - instruction page
Web user interface
Using Tuntinetti with a web browser is simple and the program can be adjusted to suit different users. All you need is a PC with an internet connection.
Each employee can also have their own account where they can report their work hours, make wishes about their work shifts and keep track of their over time hours.
Time reporting - video tutorial
Time reporting and login -instruction page
Mobile user interface
In addition to web UI, Tuntinetti can be used on many different platforms which allow it to be customised for many different needs. A few examples of this can be found on Tuntinetti's webpage.
Time clock / attendance machines
Time clock machine is an easy solution for following work time. It logs arrival and departure times straight into Tuntinetti's records.
Click here to find the best option for your company: leimauslaite.fi
Cost and materials reporting
Along with reporting work hours, it's also possible to enter different material costs which can be then be used to form salaries and bills automatically.
Time reporting, categorized - tutorial video
Time reporting - instruction page
Time report approval
Time reports give you an easy overview of the work hours conducted by the employees. The system also allows you to accept the hours, use them to create bills for your customers, enter overtime assignments and make manual changes to time stamps when necessary. By accepting work hour reports you can prevent them from being changed after billing the customer of paying salary.
Time reports and overtime - instruction page
Billing report review and customer approvals
Tuntinetti allows you to create billing reports based on the timespan and customer of your choosing. On these reports you can see the work hours carried out for the customer, along with the prices and other expences. This makes it easy to keep track of what work has been made for each customer. Employer can accept the work hours marked on the report and send them for the customer to approve, after which he can send the hours for billing with a click of a button.
Billing reports - video tutorial
Billing reports by customer - instruction page
Collective bargaining agreement adherence
The program is able to interpret collective bargaining agreements and use them for calculating salaries and customer bills. Various settings give you the opportunity to adjust this to your company's customs and make indivudual changes for each employee.
Labour agreements -instruction page
Time report review
Time reports show you the work hours, their prices and expences of each employee. You can change the view by selecting the timespan and employees of your choosing. It's also possible to make changes into the reports manually by filling in a missing time stamp or entering an over time assignment.
Approving work time - video tutorial
Approving work time and overtime hours - instruction page
Vacation calendar
Vacation calendar shows you the vacation dates of your employees on a simple calendar view. On this view you and your employees can easily plan your vacations.
Vacation calendar - video tutorial
Vacation calendar - instruction page
Sickleave reports
Sickleaves are found easily from a separate tab where you can create new sick leaves and modify old ones.
Sickleave management - instruction page
Work hour billing
Tuntinetti enables you to create indidual price lists for each employee, project and customer. These prices can then be used to calculate bills for your customers automatically.
Electronic billing
After accepting the work hours of your employees you can send the information straight to Verkkolaskut service. This makes billing easier and reduces the chance of possible errors.
Verkkolaskut.fi integration - video tutorial
Transfer to external billing - instruction page
Profitability reports
Billing reports can be exported out as profitability reports and multidimentional reports, which help you to keep track of the expenses and profitable projects/customers.
Customer reports - video tutorial
Billing reports by customer - instruction page
Work shift planning
Tuntinetti's work shift planning is an efficient option compared to the traditional paper sheets and Excel tables. Planning shifts can be conducted cost efficiently while taking into account the wishes of the employees.
Work shift planning - video tutorial
Work shift planning and booking - instruction page
Resource planning
Planning work shifts is made easy with a practical calendar view that can be adjusted according to the timespan, employees and projects.
Work shift planning - video tutorial
Work shift planner - instruction page
Self service booking
It is possible to add Tuntinetti self service booking calendar as part of your company web page. From the booking calendar, the customer can choose the service, time, and employee of their choice (with the precision you deem appoprate). Each employee has their own calendars, and the program takes into account their skills, work shifts, bookings, vacations along with other absences. Self service booking reduces the need for manual order prosessing and allows you to charge your customers when they're making the order.
Booking service - video tutorial
Availability calendar
Employees can post their work shift wishes to Tuntinetti making it easier to plan shifts accordingly. A calendar view makes this very easy. Empoyees can enter the dates and times of their choosing and also designate the days when they're unable to work. This reduces the need to call individually for each employee.
Work shift planning - video tutorial
Work shift planner - instruction page
Work shift auctions
Work shift auction is another useful feature that helps you to plan work shifts. An open shift can be filled by sending a request via text message or email to multiple employees. Various settings allow you to request only employees with the necessary skill set for the job.
Work shift auction - tutorial video
Work shift auction - instruction page
Work shift balancing and optimization
Work shift autopilot allows you to distribute all empty work shifts for employees automatically, while taking into account their wishes, skills, and contracts.
Work shift planning - tutorial video
Work shift planner - instruction page
Tuntinetti allows you to pay your employees their salaries based on the hours reported into the system. This makes it easy to not only pay your employees the right amount for their work, but also keep track of the payments.
Salary calculation and annual vacations - instuction page
Salary payment
You can create individual salary calculations for each employee. Various settings allow you to modify the reports according to your preferences and even send the information directly for payment.
Payroll - tutorial video
Salary calculations - instruction page
Salary automation
The program takes into account collective agreements, employment contracts, overtime hours, and also calculates the tax withholding and insurance payments based on the employee's tax information. All this will be itemized on the calculation sheet.
Payroll - tutorial video
Salary calculations - instruction page
Pay slip delivery (email, snail mail, web)
Once a salary calculation is ready, you can send a pay slip to the employee with a push of a button.
Payroll - tutorial video
Salary calculations - instruction page
Fiscal reports to authorities
The program also has a separate tab where you can create fiscal reports to authorities. All you have to do is select the time span and the employee. Various export options also allow you to transfer the information easily to external accounting systems.
Salary calculations Period reports and Salary lists - video tutorial
Period reports, Payroll ledger, Salary lists - Instruction page
Human recource management
Tuntinetti makes it easy to manage your employees and their contracts. The system includes various recruiting features that help you to find new employees. It's also possible to add different skills for each employee. This helps you to find the right person for each task.
Employment contracts - video tutorial
User settings and employment contracts - instruction page
Online application
Going through job applications is easy with various search and modifying tools. Tuntinetti allows you to keep in touch with the applicants via email and organise their applications the way you see fit. In addition to receiving applications, it's also easy to create job advertisements from Tuntinetti.
Receiving job applications - video tutorial
Job applications - instruction page
Resume processing using keyword search
Using your own keywords for resume search helps you find the right applicants. You may also search skills and abilities, like fluency in a specific language or proficiency in IT.
Receiving job applications - video tutorial
Job applications - instruction page
Recruiting and job publishing
Tuntinetti can help publish your job advertisements to a wide audience. You can post job ads directly to Finland's most popular recruiting sites, such as Mol and Oikotie, all from Tuntinetti.
Publishing job ads - video tutorial
Employee skill management
Adding skill sets for your employees helps you to find the right people for specific work shifts. Different tasks can be set to require certain skills, and employees can have their skills listed on their profile.
Managing user accounts - video tutorial
Competence management
Adding skills into your employee's profile helps you to keep track of your human resources and allows you to develop them better.
Managing user accounts - video tutorial
Employee contract management
Each employee can have their contract information added to Tuntinetti. Doing this allows you to use the information for pricing and work shift planning.
Employment contracts - video tutorial
Customer relationship management / CRM
Tuntinetti provides you with an easy way to keep track of your customers and their contact information. Each customer can have their own profile with individual settings and price lists.
Customers CRM - video tutorial
Customer information
Various settings allow you to customize all your customer's profiles so that they can be used with other program features.
Customers CRM - video tutorial
Customer contact information
All your customer's contacts and their contact information can be found from the same place. With the search tools you can find the right customer easily without scrolling through the whole list.
Customers CRM - video tutorial
Price lists
Each customer can have their own price lists, and these can be used to bill the work that has been done for them. Price lists include the option to set different prices for each price groups, such as weekend- or over time hours.
Billing and pricing - video tutorial
Billing and pricing - instruction page
Notes allow you to add extra information about each customer. This can be used to add information for which there isn't a specific field.
Customers CRM - video tutorial
Customer file attachments
Each customer can also have various documents attached to their profile.
CRM>Details - instruction page
Action point alerts and reminders
You can create reminders for different actions, so you don't have to constantly check the customer profiles to see if something needs to be done.
CRM>Details - instruction page
Sales planning
Adding contacts to your customer profiles helps with planning your sales.
Contact persons CRM - video tutorial
CRM>Contact persons - instruction page
Sales activity calendar
Tuntinetti gives you the option to search sales activity on the time span of your choosing. This allows you to see how much sales your company made last month, for example.
CRM>Details - instruction page
Tuntinetti as a Social welfare service provider and connection to Kanta
Valvira, Information system database for social welfare and healthcare
Tuntinetti is listed in the B category of Valvira’s Information system database for social welfare and healthcare.
Tuntinetti meets the functional, data security, and privacy protection requirements set for B category services.
Tuntinetti will remain in the B-category according to this definition:
Category B includes information systems which are used for processing client and patient data in social welfare and health care but which
- are not directly connected to the Kanta Services,
- do not generate documents to be stored in the Kanta Services,
- are not subject to the requirement for a data security audit on the basis of a risk assessment as in category A1.
Transition periods and phasing of the Client Data Act
The transition periods for social care were clarified in the Customer Data Act in the spring of 2024. Social services providers must join Kanta with a client information system that complies with the requirements of the Act by 1 September 2026.
Transition periods and phasing of the Client Data Act - Professionals - Kanta.fi
Connection to Kanta Services
Tuntinetti is not directly connected to the Kanta Services. Thus to meet the new law Social welfare service providers have to use separate services which are linked to the Kanta Services or an integration from Tuntinetti to a category A service has to be built.
So there are three options:
- Saving data directly to Kanta Service
- Saving data to a category A service, which transfers data to Kanta Service
- Commissioning the transfer of data from Tuntinetti to Kanta through integration with some Valvira A-system. Possible Valvira A-systems could include, for example:
Customer information in Tuntinetti
In Tuntinetti the purpose of using customer data is always either administrative use (supervisor-user) or work supervision (employee-user). Tuntinetti has a built-in access rights management, which in all connections automatically checks and logs the right to process data.
System integrations
Tuntinetti includes various interfaces that allow you to transfer the information shown on the reports to external programs (currently supported programs include Fully Integrated Payroll (FIP), Sonet, Asteri Lakutus, SAP, Visma Nova, Valttikortti, Anders Manager, Tikon, Talenom, Netvisor, Lemonsoft, Asteri Palkanlaskenta, Heeros, ProCountor Palkanlaskenta, Palveluseteli, Parasta Palvelua, Heeros Venda, ProCountor Laskutus, Fivaldi Laskutus, Fivaldi Palkanlaskenta, EmCe Palkanlaskenta, Isolta Archimedes, Econet Pro and Finvoice-compatible systems). If you need an interface for your own financial management program, please contact Tuntinetti customer service.
If you need more help with using Tuntinetti, there are tutorial videos on each tab of the program. Simply open the tab you wish to know more about and click the button on the top of the page. There you can also find a quick-start guide that helps you to get started with Tuntinetti.
"Help" tab contains solutions for some of the common problems and includes contact instructions for problem situations. The instructions can also be printed for further use.
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Needing guidance or training? Give us a call +358-(0)9-6898 8221. |
Technical support +358-(0)9-6898 8222 tuki@tuntinetti.fi |
Sales services +358-(0)9-6898 8221 myynti@tuntinetti.fi |