Customers > Customers
You can print or save the customer list in Excel, Visma or Fivaldi by clicking the icons on top-right side of the page.
By pressing the gray circle below "Customers" page button you can hide the upper tab buttons. To return the view to normal, simply press the button again.
Searching a customer
The most simple way to search a certain customer is to use the search field. There you can write any information about the searched customer and clicking "Filter" updates matching customers to the customer list below. If there is only one customer that fits the search criteria its information will be shown on the page automatically.
- Price group type defines the kind of the price group.
- Price mode defines how the price acts in different situations.
Extension you can use to define the pricing and define price salary types in a certain price group. It uses Regexp-targeting.
Info Regexp (Regular expression) is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. You can find many sites where you are able to test regular expressions before adding them in Tuntinetti. More information about regular expressions you can find at wikipedia. - Price defines the multiplier of the price group.